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USESCICO ROCKRETE is used as a rapid concretehardener for Roads, Pavement, IndustrialFloors, etc. It is also used as a quick settingagent for construction of water storagetanks, roads, floor slabs, where frame workto be removed quickly, maintenance andrestorative works. CICO ROCKRETE can alsobe used as a waterproofing agent. As awaterproofer, it is used in basements, flats,plastering walls, reservoirs, etc.
ADVANTAGESSetting time of concrete can beaccelerated by increasing the dosage It increases plasticity of freshconcrete or mortar. It has no long term deleterious effecton concrete. ROCKRETE makes the concretedense and many forms of chemicalattacks. ROCKRETE waterproof & hardensconcrete and cement renderingsthus serves double purpose